Run script when smb share mounts
Tom Stanley
2004-07-26 14:22:05 UTC

I followed Dave Dodge's excellent instructions for creating a swapfile over
the network on my Sun system and it has really made the HD1000 more usable.
I also run the http server for cgi-based remote controls.

I placed a ".autoexec.roku" file in the root of the smb share to start these
processes, but it does not appear to be executing. Is that supposed to work
for a samba mount, or is it only for cards?

I also tried to figure out where in the boot process the samba shares get
mounted to insert my script there, but I can't find it. I don't think it's
in the rc3.d scripts as my script wouldn't work even as S99z. What does init
do after the run scripts? I finally had to make my S99z call another script
that keeps running in the background, testing for the presence of the share,
then sleeping 5 seconds until it finds it and runs .autoexec.roku. Not
particularly elegant.

Thanks for any suggestions.

-Tom Stanley
